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Take a moment to learn more about the awesome people determined to keep surplus kai moving. You'll find their individual contact details below too.
Daniela Johnson
Kaihautū | Manager
Daniela loves to see healthy kai being used and enjoyed in the community and loves to learn more about and support the groups doing incredible things in the community.
With a background in dietetics, health promotion and public health, Daniela is passionate about ensuring that food isn’t wasted and that communities are food secure.
She's a mother of two who has lived in Whangārei with her husband for more than 20 years. In the past she has worked as the Public Health Dietitian at Northland District Health Bard and as a community dietitian at Manaia Health Primary Health Organisation and Mahitahi Hauora.
Steve Gray
Kairuruku Pātaka | Kai Stores Coordinator, Whangārei Warehouse (pictured left)
Steve is Whangārei born and bred and has been working with Whakaora Kai/Food Rescue since 2022.
Steve is keen to minimise food waste with fast and efficient turn around for those in need and loves seeing food going to places where it is needed and utilised.
Robert Hill
Ngati Kahi, Ngapuhi, Ngāti Maniapoto
Kairuruku Pātaka | Kai Stores Coordinator Whangārei Warehouse (pictured right)
Rob and his wife Devi are well known for the amazing things they do in the Otangarei community and have been part of Te Puawaitanga Marae Trust, involved in running the youth group, have been on the school board of trustees and run playgroups for Plunket and are very proud of their five tamariki and three mokopuna.
Rob has been with Whakaora Kai/Food Rescue right from the start, in 2017 and loves connecting with people and helping make good things happen in communities in Tai Tokerau.
His philosophy is ‘sharing is caring’ and he loves working in the food rescue space.